So David Letterman sleeps around. With his staff. Does this surprise anyone? He’s a big star! He’s been on TV longer than my little Tony has been alive. Of course he sleeps around! Big effin’ deal. Hell, I would sleep with David Letterman, if he wanted to give ol’ Deb a go. Who am I to turn him down? I bet his bawlls are hilarious. I pictcha me and David on a bear skin rug by the fire… me, in a sexy negligee, David in black shoes, socks with garters, boxa shorts and nuthin’ else… whisperin sweet nuthins while David makes hamburgers and elephants out of his cock and old man bawlls, Puppetry of the Penis style. Mmmmmm. Sexy and hilarious. Togetha at last. Is it getting hot in here…?