Three men, only five bawlls between 'em:
1. Matthew McConaughey, adorable as he is, scares the living crap outta me. Didja hear he buried the placenta from his childs birth under a tree in his garden? Look it up. All I can say about his bawlls is that if they're anything like his tiny raptor arms, they must be like two lil' raisins. And Deb doesn't like raisins.
2. Lance Armstrong is a living doll. I don't care if he only has the one ball, because the sperm from that one ball could probably still get past 2 condoms, my hysterectomy, a mac truck and the Brooklyn bridge to impregnate me. Live Strong, indeed.
3. If little Jakey Gyllenhall's bawlls are as cute as he is, I would put a bonnet on them and roll them around the neighborhood in a stroller and the utha mothers would just die at the sight of my sweet baby bawlls.
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