Oh, hello there, Mikey Phelps and ya full body Speedo. Are ya arms outstretched cuz you're lookin for some love from Deb? Deb would like to hug you too. Whatcha doin later? Wanna go for a swim, maybe hit the bong, whatever it is you crazy kids do these days? Well, Deb's into whatever you and your gold-medal bawlls wanna do.
I hear Mikey's got size 14 feet, that act like flippas for maximum thrust in the wata. I bet his bawlls act like fins.
There outta be a law that forces men built like Phelps to wear Speedos and nothing but. Anyone else in that get up would repulse, but Phelpsy-boy still turns my crank, full body Speedo and all.
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