I’ve noticed that I’ve been a little negative towards bawlls lately so I’m going to switch gears and talk about someone whose bawlls I love. Whose bawlls, you ask? Richard Gere’s bawlls. Ha, I'm switchin' gears to Gere - I just made the connection now, I swear. I mean, who wouldn’t love Richard Gere’s bawlls. They’re smooth as butta. I would literally butta my bread with those handsome, smooth bawlls. I would eat Richard Gere’s buttary bawlls on toast every morning if I could. What was that movie he was in with J-Lo? ‘Should We Dance’ or sumthin? That was a classic. Richard Gere’s dance moves are almost as silky smooth as his bawlls. It would’ve been betta if he fluttud around the dance floor pant-less. Smooth bawlls melting all ova the big screen while he pranced around the ballroom, or shall I say, bawllroom dancefloor. Holy crap, I'm on a roll today Deb.
Amazing. Best post yet, and I HATE Richard Gere, but I love butta...