Check out this pic of Hugh Hefner havin’ a snooze at his 83rd birthday pardy. Hef ain’t exactly the young buck he useta be, but I’d be willin’ ta bet his 83 year old balls have some stories to tell. In fact, his two bawlls probably have more stories than 20 bawlls put togetha.
If Hugh’s bawlls could talk, it’d go sumthin’ like this:
Bawll1: I’m tired.
Bawll2: Me too. And cold.
Bawll1: What?
Bawll2: I don’t remember.
Bawll1: I’m tired.
Bawll2: Me too. And cold.
Bawll1: What?
Bawll2: I don’t remember.
Bawll1: I’m tired.
Get it? He’s old. And so are his old, old bawlls. Sure, there was a time when Hugh had his bawlls caressed by some of the wurlds sexiest and slutiest women. But now the only thing caressin’ his bawlls is his Depends Ultras. We all had our heyday, but no one is exempt from old bawlls. Except all women. Take that, men and ya bawlls. Suckas.
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