Here’s a picture of George Clooney when he came to the Dominican last summa. Not one of your most flattering shots George, ya silly asshole. Anyways, we got to talkin’, I offered him a Presidente, and the next thing you know, I was the center of the Clooney universe. George was all over me like a bad smell. And let me tell ya Deb, it’s been a while, but I wouldn’t touch those bawlls with a 20 foot pole. That Clooney has been around the block and back. Don’t get me wrong, George is a looker ... but only from the head to the waistline. Those bawlls have been exposed to some craziness and Joyce does not want to be a part of it. Get off my back Clooney. I got standuds.
I'd still only kick him outta bed for one reason..