Who betta to bring Deb and I outta early retirement than the one, the only Ryan Gosling.
This guy has been all ova the news with all his new movies, his chiseled figuah, all those silly ‘Hey Girl’ blogs. He just saved some lady from being run ova by a taxi in NYC. Let me tell you this. If Ryan Gosling pushed me out of harms way, I would grab on to those bawlls and neva let go. The Gos wouldn’t know what hit em. Then I would tell the world I was saved by Ryan Gosling’s hero sack.
Who am I kidding really? We were all saved by Ryan Gosling’s bawlls eva since that damn movie ‘Crazy, Stupid Love’ came out. Holy camoly. I put that movie on once a week and then I pause it during ‘the scene’ just so I can stare at that perfect belly button and follow it right down down tawahds the contouas of the most beautiful bawlls in the world. The only reason I would kick him outta bed would be to bone him on the floor. Shazam.
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